Release Notes

by Martin Nikleva
on September 6, 2016
Each month we like to release an update of the highlights of what we’ve been working on and how the product is improving.
Here’s what we launched last month.
Non-Member Event Attendees
Leverage your event attendee information in a whole new way. When a non-member purchases an event ticket, they are now added to your database as a Contact so that you can gain more insight into who attends your events. Don’t worry – if this user becomes a Member in the future, their profile simply changes into a Active profile.
To better describe the users in your database, we’ve made a change to the membership status titles. Inactive members are now called Contacts. This is simply a terminology change to better classify these users in your database. They are distinct from active or expired members – they are the contacts that you may manage within SilkStart.
Expired Jobs
When viewing your Job Board, members now see an expired job post list in the right-hand column, which they can choose to pay for and renew.
Members may now edit their own job posts after they have been published.
Jobs Grid
Manage and view your active and expired jobs through in the Admin Panel.
Better serve your new members or renewing members by directing them to a specific page of your choosing after they complete their enrolment/registration. Specify where they are directed on an individual plan basis. For example, have members of your Organization plans end up on a different page than your Individual members.
Company Profiles
If the Quick Description is not entered in a company profile, the banner image on the Company profile will now resize to overlay this space.
Does your organization use SilkStart’s Organization/Company plans? You can now customize this word on the member profile and registration/enrolment.
Company Join Dates
You can now change the Join Date for companies through the Membership Info tab in their profile.
Do you use the SilkStart Articles Application? You now have the power to configure the name ‘Articles’ to anything you want!
When searching for a member through the Quick Search bar, the user’s company is now a searchable attribute.
Provide your members with the ability to be seen on the directory but limit the ability for others to contact them. The member would can turn this on and off on ‘my profile’ or ‘account settings.’
Groups Grid
Manage and edit all Groups configured in SilkStart with the new Admin Panel Groups overview.
Group Email Recipients
A new column will display ‘Approximate Recipients’ when viewing your group emails in the admin panel.
Collect address information to be completed before payment in the registration/enrolment process.
Admin Panel
We improved how the Admin Panel displays on small screen sizes so you can access more features of SilkStart on more devices.
Choose what privacy options you would like displayed to your members. By default, they can choose Public, Members Only, or Private but you can now select any combination of these options to provide your users with.
New Member Default Privacy Settings
By default, all new members who join your association will have their privacy set to open (public). You may now configure this setting and choose from Open, Members-Only or Private.
Member Links
Your members now have easy access to some of their most visited links in their profile. Include these links in your navigation bar! If the member is logged in they will be directed to the following pages:
View My Account Details =
View My Member Card =
Edit My Profile =
Make a donation on behalf on a member directly through the admin panel or generate an invoice for an outstanding donation. Don’t forget you can now run full reports on all of your donations made within SilkStart!
What webpage do you want your donors to visit right after they complete their donation transaction? We’ve made this configurable so you can enter any URL as a post-donation redirect.
Adding Employees: Give your users more guidance as they register their employees for your Company Plans. Enter custom text into a new configurable field in the Company Employees step in your enrollment flow.
Outstanding Invoices
If a member has an outstanding invoice, they will be directed to their Invoice page when attempting to renew through selecting the /Join link on your website.
Configurable Setup Field
Add your own custom text to the Company section of your Join page.
Articles Document Upload
When creating a new Article, you can upload multiple documents to display as attachments.
Member Options Menu
We’ve made it easier for logged-in members to edit their personal and company profiles by updating the options in the dropdown menu accessible in the top-right corner of the site.
Multi-Chapter Email Template Propagation
When creating an email at the apex, you can choose to propagate your custom templates to other chapters.
Multi-Chapter Mailing Lists
Create more mailing lists from the chapter level! If your multi-chapter network uses plans that are configured at the apex, your chapter admins will be able to create chapter mailing lists based upon apex membership type.
Give it a try. It only takes a click to unsubscribe.

I help associations grow to their full potential through using our online cloud-based tools. All good meetings are held during Ping-Pong matches.